All you need to know about the traditional songs and modern music at Oktoberfest
OKTOBERFEST SONGS: So you've got seat on a bench and are surrounded by friends. You're juggling a huge mug of beer with an oversized pretzel. There are women in beautiful Dirndls, lederhosen lads and a cracking atmosphere. It's a perfect Oktoberfest. But there's one thing missing that you can't quite put your finger on until…..
Ooommmmpaaaah! Ooommmmpaaaah! Da dee da dee da.
Of course! The music.
What would Oktoberfest be without it?
Who hasn't got their own favourite Oktoberfest song? If not, just stick around this site for a while and I guarantee you'll end up with one! Whether you're looking for Ein Prosit lyrics, a "swim, swim, swim" Fliegerlied translation or music ideas for your own Oktoberfest event, is the place to find them.
Get your party on!: The Oktoberfest is so much better when you know the words to the songs, like this guy! Pic: Frank Bauer
9. Country Roads - There’s a bunch of American oldies that have become staples of the Munich Oktoberfest, and John Denver’s Country Roads (1970) is still the most loved.
1. Ein Prosit - Meaning ‘To good health!’ or simply ‘Cheers!’, Ein Prosit is the gold standard of Oktoberfest songs and the one you’ll hear played roughly every hour in the beer tents.
Everyone at the table has to stand up and sing, before a hearty toast and chug to the cry of Oans, Zwoa, G’suffa! (One, two, chug!)
MORE: Ein Prosit lyrics
So which one is your favourite? Vote for your top pick for this year's best Oktoberfest song here
We've recently added pages on a couple of newer songs which are popular in the beer tents. There is the traditional I sing a Liad für di and the party anthem Hulapalu from the Austrian singer Andreas Gabalier. And we've also added Helene Fischer's mega-hit Atemlos durch die Nacht. There's also a couple of new entries on older hits, the classic Ich war noch niemals in New York and Wahnsinn (Hölle, Hölle, Hölle).
Above: A traditional German band pumping out the next Oktoberfest hit.
An Oktoberfest band gets into the swing of things .Pic: digital cat
Hi! I'm Stu and I started this website in 2008 during a six-year stint living in Bavaria. I also started a general travel website about Munich and Bavaria at
Some of my most popular pages on Destination Munich were about Oktoberfest songs. People love them! They look for lyrics, translations, inspiration.
So I thought it was about time to start a website devoted to ditties played at the famous festival.
I hope you enjoy it and if you have any questions or suggestions about what to add, please write in or leave a message below. Prost!